Corey Leidenfrost

Corey M. Leidenfrost

Corey M. Leidenfrost PhD

UBMD Psychiatry


Children and Adults; Forensic Psychiatry; Psychiatry

Not accepting new patients

Professional Summary:

My time is split between the Erie County Forensic Mental Health Service (ECFMH) and the Erie County Medical Center (ECMC). At ECFMH I conduct Article 730 competency evaluations for the courts, along with other requested evaluations from the criminal justice system. I complete clinical rounds on the Constant Observation units (suicide watch) at the Erie County Holding Center (ECHC). Previously, I conducted extensive work with a Residential Treatment Unit for incarcerated individuals who have a serious mental illness and may benefit from a higher level of care at ECHC. Working within a treatment team consisting of mental health staff, a psychiatrist, a nurse practitioner, a psychologist, and students, staff provide weekly individual counseling, weekly groups, and comprehensive psychiatric care. We conduct psychological assessments with incarcerated individuals and track clinical outcomes over time. Research from collected data is ongoing. I also help to supervise graduate and undergraduate level students.

At ECMC I am the Unit Chief of a psychiatric intensive care unit--Transitions--for individuals at imminent risk for aggression or recently became aggressive primary to a mental illness. An interdisciplinary team of licensed mental health counselors, nurses, a clinical manager, a psychiatrist, an occupational therapist, and a psychologist work to stabilize patients and prevent incidents of aggression. I provide clinical supervision, psychological assessment, and educational services to staff and clinicians on this PICU.

I am the Training Director of an APA accredited Psychology Internship Program located within the UB Department of Psychiatry. From 2019 to 2024 I was the Associated Training Director for the program. Currently, we have two internship tracks, a developmental approach to serious mental illness and a substance abuse and SMI track

My other clinical and evaluation interests include sex offender treatment and risk assessment, violence risk assessment, work with individuals who have serious mental illness and mood disorders. When I primarily conducted psychotherapy in the past I specialized in working with individuals who had depression and anxiety disorders. I have also specialized in working with domestic violence, both victims and offenders throughout my career.

My research interests are varied, but include aggression, violence, well-being, positive psychology topics, countertransference management, sex offender work, therapist effects, and mood disorders.


Children and Adults, Forensic Psychiatry, Psychiatry

Physician Gender:



Erie County Forensic Mental Health Service
120 West Eagle Street
Buffalo, New York 14202
Not accepting new patients

UBMD Psychiatry
University Psychiatric Practice, Inc., Erie County Medical Center
462 Grider St.
Buffalo, New York 14215
Phone: 716 858-2859
Not accepting new patients

Education and Training:

  • PhD, Psychology, Walden University (2014)
  • MA, Psychology, SUNY Brockport (2006)
  • BS, Psychology, SUNY Brockport, Magna Cum Laude (2001)
  • Human Services, Genesee County Community College (1999)

Awards and Honors:

  • Dr. Josie Olympia Award for Outstanding Overall Contributions to the Department of Psychiatry (2021)
  • NYSPA Independent Practice Association Award (2018)
  • Outstanding Contribution to Forensic Psychiatry (2017)
  • Outstanding Contribution to the Clinical Mission of the Department of Psychiatry (2017)
  • New York Sheriff’s Association 2015 Innovative Program Award for the Jail Management Division’s Residential Treatment Program (2015)
  • Psychology graduate student of the year at SUNY Brockport (2005)
  • Inducted into Psi Chi (2000)
  • Student of the Year, Genesee Community College (1999)

Research Profile:

This UBMD physician is also a member of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, teaching the next generation of doctors and researching to advance care in WNY and beyond. Learn more about this physician's research and teaching activities, as well as view credentials, publications, professional involvement and more below.

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