John, Sullivan
Sullivan, John, M.D., Ph.D.

Specialty: Bioinformatics; Biophysical Modeling; Computational Drug Discovery; Drug Design; Drug Development; Drug Discovery; Electrophysiology; Gene Expression; Gene Therapy; Imaging In Vivo; Inherited Metabolic Disorders; Membrane Biophysics; Metalloenzymes; Molecular and Cellular Biology; Molecular Basis of Disease; Molecular genetics; Multimodal Imaging Technology; Nanoparticles; Protein Folding; Retina – retinal disease and therapy; RNA; Transcription and Translation; Vision science; Gene Delivery; Gene Therapy; Molecular diagnostics; Neurodegenerative disorders; Ophthalmology; Pathophysiology; Pediatric Ophthalmology; Retina

Location(s): Ross Eye Institute, Buffalo (Buffalo)
Phone: 716-881-7900