Specialty: Apoptosis and cell death; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Imaging; Cardiac pharmacology; Gene Therapy; Genomics and proteomics; Cardiology; Cardiopulmonary physiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Imaging In Vivo; Implementation Science; Models - cell and animal; Molecular Basis of Disease; Molecular Imaging Techniques; Pathophysiology; Preclinical MRI; Proteomics; Quantitative Histology; Stem Cells; Team Science; Translational imaging; Translational Research; Translational Research
Location(s): Buffalo General Medical Center (Buffalo)Specialty: Gene Expression; Genomics and proteomics; Cardiology; Cardiopulmonary physiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Immunology; Inflammation; Molecular and Cellular Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Progenitor Cells; Signal Transduction; Stem Cells
Location(s): Buffalo General Medical Center (Buffalo); UBMD Internal Medicine - Amherst Site (Amherst)Specialty: Cardiology; Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
Location(s): Conventus Medical Center (Buffalo); UBMD Internal Medicine at Amherst (Amherst)Specialty: Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Metabolism
Location(s): VA Medical Center (Buffalo)Specialty: Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease
Location(s): Hertel Elmwood Internal Medicine Center (Buffalo); UBMD Internal Medicine at Amherst (Amherst)Specialty: Cardiology; Interventional Cardiology
Location(s): Bufalo General Medical Center (Buffalo); UBMD Internal Medicine - Amherst Site (Amherst)Specialty: Cell growth, differentiation and development; Gene Expression; Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Molecular and Cellular Biology; Signal Transduction; Stem Cells
Location(s): Buffalo General Medical Center (Buffalo)Specialty: Cardiology; Cardiothoracic Surgery; Internal Medicine; Interventional Cardiology
Location(s): Great Lakes Cardiovascular (Olean)Specialty: Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease
Location(s): Buffalo General Medical Center (Buffalo)Specialty: Cardiac pharmacology; Drug Development; Gene Expression; Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Inflammation; Preclinical MRI; Translational imaging; Internal Medicine; Radiation Oncology
Location(s): Buffalo General Medical Center (Buffalo)Specialty: Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Endovascular Medicine; Interventional Cardiology; Vascular Medicine
Location(s): Buffalo General Medical Center (Buffalo); UBMD Internal Medicine at Amherst (Amherst)